Nov 10, 2008

air naik atas kepala???

kahkahkah!!! laju je korang masuk bila baca tajuk tu kan?? jahat taw korang nih!!! cer akak letak tajuk : minumlah air kosong demi kesihatan anda. mampos korang tak hingin nak click kan?? oppp! oppp! jgn keluar. baca article nih dulu...utk kesihatan korang jugak!!
akak takde benda nak citer sebenarnyer hari ni. so, happy reading ya nok-nok sekalian!!!

It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers.For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses. .

The water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a hundred percent cure for the following diseases:.

* Headache
* Body ache
* heart system
* arthritis
* fast heart beat
* epilepsy
* excess
* fatness
* bronchitis
* asthma
* TB
* Meningitis
* Kidney and Urine diseases
* vomiting gastritis
* diarrhea
* piles
* diabetes
* constipation
* all eye diseases
* womb cancer
* menstrual disorders
* ear nose
* throat diseases

  • As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 glasses of water each of 160 ml.
  • Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
  • After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
  • After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
  • Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to four glasses per day.

The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure main diseases:

  • High Blood Pressure 30 days
  • Gastric 10 daysD
  • Diabetes 30 days
  • Constipation 10 days
  • Cancer 180 days
  • TB 90 days
  • Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3 days in the first week to be followed by daily treatment.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

Good Health to you all.......


Emi Farez said...

aku tau hang mesti ilmiah punya, bukan lucah! kan ko dah insap kak jah!

Emi Farez said...

aku tau hang mesti ilmiah punya, bukan lucah! kan ko dah insap kak jah!

Tijah said...

byk la aku punyer insap ik...

ween said...

aku paling lemah utk minum air masak ni,,,kalau takde org remind aku mmg tak minum air ..rasa banyak btol penyakit aku

ita.itu said...

haha..aku laju je klik ko ngk tajuk..ciss

KaSiH said...

ahaha...kak jah...tajuk tu wat org laju je nk baca...rupanya cite minum air...klu terlebih air dlm badan...elok ke kak jah...*buat2 tak tau

Unknown said...

jgn giler2..4 X 160ml?
segelas tiap2 pagi pon hazab nk habiskan..kalo minum yg 600ml tuh..10min sekali gi toiilet huuhu

NouroulSuhaimi said...

taktik kotor niiii!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

opssss!!tetibe terklik lak entry niek,mak nak klik back balik la...skiusme..kihkih


azreen said...

tajuk menarik isi nye lagi menarik gitu...bgus2...

Tijah said...

ween, aku ada baca patut setiap 25kg, kena minum 1L air. baru detox...

ita, aku dah gak dah. hahahaha

kasih, lebih caner tu? cer sexplain sket? hahahaha

suw, mmg tu pun tujuan dier. supaya kencing2 gittew buang toksik.

cok, aku tingat kat ko la nih. kan ko ckp aritu dah brp lama x minum air kosong...

acu, ko mmg buruk siku

azreen, hahahaa...saje je tu...

UmiMia said...

memang pepagi..ada gak aku buat peel nih...tapi sampai 4 gelas tu..tak larat aku nak layan....segelas kira aci lah ek...

Ungku Nor said...

betul la apa yang aku spedo ngko tu kan?

ngko memang ampehss!!

keh keh keh

cendawanintim said...

ko kan KJ memanggggggggg.....

seb baik aku rajin minum air...

Mieza's Penny said...

hahaha..tipah tertipu!!!

tq for info k.j....kekdg aku naik kembung minum air nih..:D

ilazz said...

salam kak jah. fes taim nih. canggih ler blog ko. siap ada resepi bagai..

aku kalau minum air 0 mmg bergelen2 1 ari.pas tu p toilet pun puloh2 kali..heh heh

Tijah said...

umimia, dia x kasik gosok gigi plak tu kan? pergh!!! tapi cer suh minum neskepe. 4 gelas tu sekali gulp jer...

ungku, spedo ke spenda kak? hkhik..adoi la mano la nak cr femes ames kat sbn ni kak??

cend, hahahaa..kalu tak buat cenggitu korang tanak baca. kan??

mieza, minum ok jer...tang kencing2 tu yg tak larat tu...

ilaz, canggih ko?? org lainnyer blog lagi canggih aku dah la pakai template zaman nabi jer nih.

julietchun said...

Minum air bersama ail liur basi, 2 in 1, okeh, sok mulakan.

linn said...

sib baik dah tghari baru click sini. so takde laa ter attracted ngan tajuk mu itu kakjah.

akan ku amalkan minum air bnyk2 ni starting arini sb badan dah rasa nak demam. (patuh time nak sakit je, cuba sihat...wat derkk jer ngan air masak hikss).

Tijah said...

juliet, ada khasiat kot air liur basi tu kan??

linn, yer ke?? leh caya ke tak attracted kat tajuk tu?
*was-was nih

Ck said...

tipah tertipu upenyer!!!!!!!!!!!

Teman2 Sekalian said...

hehehehe.. ko memang noty kan kjah...

Tijah said...

ck, sudah kujangka. hahaha

mummmy, mane ade noti. test market jer...hahaha

Unknown said...

apa yang bising2 pasal tajuk entry ni... saye tak paham laaa.... citer la.... citer la..... pasal apa!

Tijah said...

shifu, takde apa2. saje nak buat gempak lite2 jer..hahaha